Similar words: department, fire department, department store, justice department, executive department, purchasing department, personnel, antipersonnel. Meaning: n. the department responsible for hiring and training and placing employees and for seting policies for personnel management.
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1. Please send your resume to the personnel department.
2. Mr. Johnson is the head of the firm's personnel department.
3. The Personnel Department keeps a record of employees absent through sickness.
4. For further details, contact the personnel department.
5. The head of the personnel department dipped into his pocket and bought drinks for his fellows.
6. The personnel department is called Owner Services.
7. The Minnesota personnel department, for example, became very good at both policy compliance and service.
8. Several people have phoned the personnel department to inquire about the position.
9. Employee information is maintained within the personnel department thus retaining the necessary degree of confidentiality and security of the data.
10. Managers, supervisors, and the company personnel department will have much less control over hiring decisions.
11. Please contact your personnel department if you would like to help.
12. But promotions are controlled by the personnel department, not the manager.
13. Mike is in charge of the personnel department.
14. Please put me through to the Personnel Department.
15. I'd like an office job in the personnel department.
16. Hello, Personnel Department! This is Jane.
17. Please get me through to Personnel Department.
18. Personnel Department . This is Carol Smith.
19. His move to the personnel department was no surprise.
20. If any employee needs to take time off, s/he should contact the Personnel Department.
21. Applications should be made to. Application forms are available from the Personnel Department.
22. Even a small favorable comment from the boss is usually taken as a royal decree by the personnel department.
23. James had studied law at university but now was working in the personnel department of Cadbury's.
24. This is a polite way of saying that recruitment normally causes chaos in the personnel department.
25. For example, when the legislature asked for a study of the personnel department, the change leaders took a novel approach.
26. Details of joining fees for the respective sports sections of the club may be obtained from the Personnel Department.
26. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
27. This will include the maintenance of a constructive working relationship with the organisation's personnel department.
28. The company has more money, and it has a big, overstaffed personnel department.
29. The effect of fluctuations is ironed out, so that the personnel department is not disrupted by recruitment activity.
30. Do not leave it entirely to the advertising agency or the personnel department.
More similar words: department, fire department, department store, justice department, executive department, purchasing department, personnel, antipersonnel, personnel manager, apartment, compartment, compartmentalized, luggage compartment, deportment, personal identification number, depart, assortment, comportment, departed, departure, depart from, departure gate, departure time, departure lounge, partial denture, sonnet, spare parts, person, spare part, parson.